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FutureBiotics, Acne Advance with Colostrum, 90 Vegetarain Tablets

9 700.00 р.
Доступность: Привезём из США
- +
Производитель: FutureBiotics
Штрих-код: 049479025275
Количество в упаковке: 90 шт.
Вес: 0.13 кг
Размер: 11.7 x 6.4 x 6.4 см

Описание товара FutureBiotics, Acne Advance with Colostrum, 90 Vegetarain Tablets

  • Health. Nature. Life.
  • Nutritionally Promotes Healthy Skin and Complexion
  • Dietary Supplement
  • 30 Day Supply

Healthy Skin Action Plan

Often considered a challenge for teenagers, acne can affect women and men of all ages. Such skin problems often result from a combination of hormone stimulation, an increase in sebum production, bacteria, stress, and poor diet. However, with proper nutrition, healthy stress-reduction techniques, select nutrients, and other beneficial strategies, blemishes can be both controlled and prevented.


  • Along with Futurebiotics AcneAdvance and a comprehensive multi-vitamin, eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean protein.
  • Increase intake of foods naturally high in vitamin A (dark colored fruits & vegetables, lean protein) and zinc (nuts & legumes) as both are important to skin health.
  • Avoid refined and/or concentrated simple sugars and iodine.

Physical Activity 

  • Exercise can help reduce stress and increase circulation. Get at least 30 minutes of daily aerobic exercise. Exercise also benefits the skin and aids in maintaining a clean, youthful complexion.

Complementary Therapies

  • Stress can play havoc with your complexion. Simple deep breathing exercises or meditation can help reduce stress.
  • To help reduce the incidence of hyperpigmentation, the dark spots left over from healed blemishes, uses SPF 15 sun protection on exposed areas and reapply throughout the day.

Do's and Don'ts 

  • Drink plenty of clean, pure water to help flush toxins and keep skin hydrated.
  • Chronic use of antibiotics often triggers intestinal overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans. This chronic yeast condition may actually make acne worse and should be treated if present.
  • Clean skin gently. Over-washing is actually irritating and excess irritation can worsen acne. Use bare hands to wash and only wash twice a day.
  • Wash your pillowcase regularly in chemical-free detergents.
  • Use oil-free cosmetics. When possible, use products that are labeled as noncomedogenic (not tending to clog pores).

Measure Your Progress 

Clear, healthy skin is possible regardless of your age. With proper nutrition, exercise, good hygiene and effective stress reduction techniques, you will see a visible difference the benefits both your physical and emotional well-being.

  • Zinc Gluconate - Clinical study has shown continuous marked improvement in acne over 3 months.
  • LinumLife® - Phytoestrogen lignans from Flax, clinically shown to help balance hormones.
  • Natural "skin support" herbs, select nutrients, and colostrum.

Research has shown that the ingredients in AcneAdvance, including, LinumLife, Centellin and Zinc help improve the look of skin by helping to balance hormone levels and by reducing redness and inflammation associated with a poor complexion.

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that is well recognized for its immune-enhancing, antioxidant, and wound-healing properties. Zinc gluconate is the zinc salt of gluconic acid. Zinc has been clinically proven to be effective in the treatment of inflammatory acne over a three-month period.

LinumLife Complex provides lignans from Flax, a well-recognized group of phytoestrogens with estrogenic and anti-estrogenic action, which may help in the treatment of acne. Produced through a proprietary process, LinumLife Complex is concentrated and provides between 10 to 30 times more lignans than whole flax or other flax ingredients.

Colostrum, known as "first milk" is the beneficial first fluid secreted by mammals after giving birth. AcneAdvance utilizes colostrum rich in a variety of biologically-active proteins and other components that help aid in nutrition and repair, and is processed at gentle temperatures to ensure maximum bioactivity. Evidence suggests colostrum provides immune support and skin care benefits.

AcneAdvance is further enhanced with select herbs and nutrients. Chromium has been reported to improve acne by supporting glucose tolerance, which Burdock, Yellow Dock and Red Clover act as natural internal cleansers to help remove toxins. Centellin+, a standardized extract of Gotu Kola, helps increase blood circulation to the skin's surface and provides cleansing and healing action.

AcneAdvance is potency-enhanced with Futurebiotics BioAccelerators Clinically-proven BioPerine + (Piper nigrum extract) improves nutrient bioavailability, while our proprietary natural compound of Ginger extract, Trikatu, super-potent Digezyme + and Lactospore + boosts digestion and absorption.

Способ приема

В качестве пищевой добавки принимать по 3 таблетки в день, предпочтительно во время еды, или в соответствии с рекомендациями врача.


Не следует принимать в период беременности или кормления грудью.

Хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Беречь от воздействия света.

Производитель оставляет за собой право изменить внешний вид упаковки, состав продукта, вкусовые добавки и его консистенцию. Мы стараемся следить за изменениями, но, если вы заметили какое-либо несоответствие, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом в письме или в комментарии к товару. Спасибо!

Компоненты товара

Информация о добавке
Размер порции: 3 таблетки
Порций в упаковке: 30
в 1 порции
% от суточной нормы
Фолат (400 мкг фолиевой кислоты) 666 мкг DFE 167%
Витамин В12 (в виде цианилкобаламина) 3 мкг 125%
Кальций (в виде дикальцийфосфата) 156 мг 12%
Цинк (в виде глюконата цинка) 30 мг 273%
Медь (в виде хелатного глицината меди) 2 мг 222%
Хром (в виде хелатного никотинада глицината хрома) 200 мкг 571%
Молозиво крупного рогатого скота (обеспечивает 25% иммуноглобулинов) 200 мг
LinumLife (содержит 5% лигнанов из экстракта семени льна, Linum usitatissimum) 1250 мг
Centellin + (стандартизирован до 8% общего содержания тритерпенов из экстракта листьев Готу Кола) 70 мг
Корень лопуха 50 мг
Красный клевер (надземная часть) 50 мг
Корень желтого щавеля 50 мг
Экстракт коры корня барбариса 30 мг
Биоакселераторы Futurebiotics (BioPerine, экстракт корня имбиря, трикату, Digezyme, Lactospore) 23 мг
† Суточная норма не определена.
Другие Ингредиенты

Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, стеариновая кислота, кроскармеллоза натрия, диоксид кремния, стеарат магния, масло перечной мяты, гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза, полиэтиленгликоль.

Содержит: молоко.

AcneAdvance вдохновлен природой. Этот вегетарианский продукт содержит ароматическую растительную эссенцию и включает молочный белок.

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